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  • Contact Us

    Hi there! Pleasure to e-meet you! If you’ve found your way here, you’re either casually exploring and having a look around (we’re aware of our charm) or you’ve got something to share with us. 

    We can’t wait to see which one is it! Cheers! 

  • Email

    If you feel like you need to tell us something, contact us via email at one of the following addresses:

    Contact: [email protected]
    Affiliates: [email protected]

    We’re always here to promptly respond to all your messages because your thoughts matter to us. 

    We genuinely value your opinions – what you enjoy, what you’re not a fan of, and any suggestions you might have to enhance our services. We’re aware that we can’t be perfect, but our aim is to improve daily. We’re getting 1 point every day, and with your support, we could get better even faster! 

    If you have any recommendations, whether it’s for more available slots or improved free spins with no deposit, we’d be incredibly grateful. 

    Don’t hesitate to reach out whenever you have something to share. Your feedback is really important to us!